4 Key Factors for Choosing a Quinceanera Tiara
A Quinceanera ceremony is a momentous occasion. It marks a girl’s transition from childhood into young womanhood, with plenty of tradition surrounding it. The ‘Crowning’ is one such tradition, where parents or godparents present the girl with a beautiful tiara. But how do you choose a tiara? The crown is a key part of the ceremony, so tiara selection can’t be taken lightly. Here are a few factors to consider when making your choice.
Tradition. Tradition is a huge part of Quinceneara ceremonies. The tiara itself traditionally signifies that the girl is a princess before God and the world. She has triumphed over her childhood and is now equipped to face the challenges of adulthood. Because of the significance of this tradition, it is worth considering whether there are family traditions relating to the tiara specifically. Is there a particular type or shape that the family has used throughout generations?
Tiara Types. ‘Tiara’, like ‘crown’, is a word often used interchangeably with various other types of decorative headgear. Used more specifically, however, ‘tiara’ refers to a jeweled band that sits on the front of a woman’s hair. The band is usually in the shape of a half-circle, and the ornamentation is primarily on the front of the tiara more so than the band. A tiara is distinct from a crown in that a crown covers the entire head, and ornamentation usually covers the whole base of a crown. Crowns also tend to be larger than tiaras, often rising higher on the head.There’s also the headband, or circlet if you want to be fancy. A circlet is basically a tiara that goes all the way around the head—a circular base instead of a half-circle. Circlets may also be a little bit smaller than tiaras, with less going on in front.
Hairstyle. This may be obvious, but your hairstyle will greatly affect the tiara you choose. Will you wear your hair up or down? Will you braid it? This will play into whether you choose a crown, tiara, or headband. For example, wearing your hair up can make a headband more ideal than a crown. Tiaras will look particularly elegant if it’s placed directly in front of a full, styled hairdo. If you want your headpiece to be the center of attention a simple hairstyle knotting your hair at your neck will let your tiara shine.
Shape/Style. This is the really fun part! There is a seemingly endless number of styles out there these days. There are plenty of shapes: pointed, butterfly, star, heart…a whole host of possibilities. Do you want your design to be on the simpler side, or more complex? How high do you want your tiara to be? You have plenty of options to choose one, so you should have no problem finding the style that is just right for you!
Your Quinceanera celebration is a momentous occasion, packed with tradition and full of symbolism. Your tiara will be one of the most visible symbols of your journey into young womanhood. Thinking carefully about what exactly you’re looking for will help you choose the perfect tiara for your special day.
Planning a Quinceañera?
Villa Russo is a superb venue for hosting Quinceaneras. We have been creating unforgettable parties for young ladies for more than 60 years.